It's not often that you pitch a crazy idea to a client, and it actually turns out exactly as you imagined it.
Our Dr. X project for Luminex was one of those rare exceptions.
Luminex is one of my favorite clients - they have patented technology for laboratory testing. Through Elephant Productions and working with flash animation guru Cal Rogers, we've done a lot of work for the company over the past several years, including many online training modules. They're a young, fun company, and this project was one of the craziest!
Dr. X on set |
Can you make science funny?
Well, that video was so well received, that Luminex came back to us for two more funny videos. Sure...I could write a silly script once, but twice? Petrified, I sat down this summer to write another two installments of the Dr. X serial. You can see the next installment here....just scroll down.
Another Dr. X addition is coming soon - and honestly, I hope the series continues. However much that scares the "comedy" writer in me. (yes, I use that term very loosely.)